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FT- Passenger transport between Constanta and Otopeni and return
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You can contact us for a reservation, rental or simple advice by email, telephone numbers or displayed via the contact form. Please understand that any appointment or post must be confirmed in advance by phone. For urgent bookings from Constanta - Otopeni please call us.

This form does not involve financial neither party.

SC Global Auto Travel SRL
Adress: Bd. Tomis Nr. 324 Bl. M3 Sc.C Apt. 41
Constanta - Romania, cod:  900463
E-mail: globalautotravel@yahoo.com        
Tel : mobile + 40 720337733 

Date Fiscale
CUI  J13/26/2011
CIF 27886082
Cont : RO50MIRO0000511066600201
Procredit Bank Constanta Agentia Tomis